Courtney Mathias Salon
208 W Wesley Street
Suite C
Wheaton, Illinois 60187

Street Parking is available.
Garage Parking is less than one block away.


The best way to book an appointment or get in touch is by calling me at:

(630) 330 - 3924



Sunday  Closed

Monday Closed

Tuesday 1-8:30

Wednesday 9-5

Thursday 1-8:30

Friday 10-5

Saturday 8:30-4


Cancellation Policy

In order to ensure that we can accommodate all of our guests, we require that you give us at least 24 hours notice to cancel or reschedule your appointment. If you no-show or cancel without 24 hours notice, we will try and fill your appointment. If we are unable to do so, you will be charged 50% of the appointment missed.


Late Policy

We are committed to giving you the best one-on-one service available. If you are more than 15 minutes late, and we are unable to give you the attention you deserve. We ask that you do your very best to be on time.


Refer a Friend

The greatest form of flattery is a referral.

Refer a friend to Courtney Mathias Salon and you AND your friend receive 50% off your next hair service. Tell your friends to use your name when booking.